Monday, October 13, 2014

Greenville High School
Spanish II Class
Ms. R. Miller

Hoy es miércoles 15 de Octubre del 2014.

Recursos tecnológicos/technology resource: usando tu iPad de la escuela / using your school iPad

Go to Actividades sección y contesta la actividad del dia de hoy.
Ms Miller


Hoy es lunes 13 de Octubre del 2014.

Lección Las Frutas:

Revisemos las frutas en Español – Reviewing the fruits in Spanish
Benefit of this activity: Refresh previous vocabulary words learned, connect the English with the new language learning Spanish. Practice, practice, practice because practice make you master.


Using your iPad, find the fruits name in Spanish as many as you can.

Please, write in your journal under the Vocabulary section the English and Spanish fruits words.
At the end, you must show the teacher how many you found (or at least 10 each time we do this practice).
You also can leave your Spanish words in the comment section below, please add your name, and period to record your progress.

About this list; none of these are vegetables, they all are fruits:

1.       Apple

  1. Apricot
  2. Avocado
  3. Banana
  4. Breadfruit
  5. Bilberry
  6. Blackberry
  7. Blackcurrant
  8. Blueberry
  9. Boysenberry
  10. Cantaloupe
  11. Currant
  12. Cherry
  13. Cherimoya
  14. Cloudberry
  15. Coconut
  16. Cranberry
  17. Cucumber
  18. Damson
  19. Date
  20. Dragonfruit
  21. Durian
  22. Eggplant
  23. Elderberry
  24. Feijoa
  25. Fig
  26. Goji berry
  27. Gooseberry
  28. Grape. Or see:
  29. Grapefruit
  30. Guava
  31. Huckleberry
  32. Honeydew
  33. Jackfruit
  34. Jambul
  35. Jujube
  36. Kiwi fruit
  37. Kumquat
  38. Lemon
  39. Lime
  40. Loquat
  41. Lychee
  42. Mango
  43. Marion berry
  44. Melon. Other variations are:
  45. Miracle fruit
  46. Mulberry
  47. Nectarine
  48. Nut
  49. Olive
  50. Orange. Other variations are:
  51. Papaya
  52. Passionfruit
  53. Peach
  54. Pepper. Other variations are:
  55. Pear. Other variations is:
  56. Persimmon
  57. Physalis
  58. Plum/prune (dried plum)
  59. Pineapple
  60. Pomegranate
  61. Pomelo
  62. Purple Mangosteen
  63. Quince
  64. Raspberry
  65. Rambutan
  66. Redcurrant
  67. Salal berry
  68. Salmon berry
  69. Satsuma
  70. Star fruit
  71. Strawberry
  72. Tamarillo
  73. Tomato
  74. Ugli fruit
  75. Watermelon — see melon
Now, you can also listening the pronunciation through this video:
This is the link if you rather open it in another page:

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