Friday, November 21, 2014

Geo Vision: Miami
Chapter 4
A-Day November 21, 2014
1. Bell Work
2. Geo Vision - Laboratory activity. See below in activity master schedule.
3. Cultural activity in the classroom.
Activity Master:
   a. Laboratory: Students will watch and listening a video from Miami and its Latin American background and culture.
   b. In group, the students will discuss the possible answers from the form provided by the teacher.
The form to answer the questions will be provided by the teacher. 
Happy Thanksgiving day!!!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Spanish 2 - B-day - Jueves Noviembre veinte (20) del 2014
                                 Thursday November twenty (20), 2014

Welcome Chapter 4 - Bienvenido Capítulo 4:
Thirteen week - Semana trece
Spanish 2
 The theme is: "Keep in shape"
El tema es "Mantente en forma"

A. Bell Work (go the bell work tap)
B. Reading Comprehension
     Students read the cultural note: (page 134 in the textbook)

Cada año en Texas hay competencias de deportes, arte, música, idiomas, matemáticas y ciencias. La Fundación de la Liga Interscolástica de Texas (Texas Interscholastic League) les presenta las becas universitarias a los ganadores de las competencias. El museo de Arte del  El Paso, por ejemplo, patrocina una competencia de arte. Otra competencia interesante es la de las bandas escolares de mariachis en San Antonio. ¿En qué competencias participan los estudiantes de tu colegio?
C. Translate the cultural note to the English language to full understanding. Then write a paragraph in "Spanish" regarding the question "which competence the students of your school Greenville H.S. are participating?" and if they received any awards as scholarships?"
Also, you must write if you participate in any sports and competence and need to mention if you have been awarded any prize or scholarship; in Spanish.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Spanish 2 - A-day - Wednesday November 19, 2014

Welcome Chapter 4 - Bienvenido Capítulo 4:
Thirteen week - Semana trece
Spanish 2
 The theme is: "Keep in shape"
El tema es "Mantente en forma"
A. Bell Work (go the bell work tap)
B. Reading Comprehension
     Students read the cultural note: (page 134 in the textbook)

Cada año en Texas hay competencias de deportes, arte, música, idiomas, matemáticas y ciencias. La Fundación de la Liga Interscolástica de Texas (Texas Interscholastic League) les presenta las becas universitarias a los ganadores de las competencias. El museo de Arte del  El Paso, por ejemplo, patrocina una competencia de arte. Otra competencia interesante es la de las bandas escolares de mariachis en San Antonio. ¿En qué competencias participan los estudiantes de tu colegio?
C. Translate the cultural note to the English language to full understanding. Then write a paragraph in "Spanish" regarding the question "which competence the students of your school Greenville H.S. are participating?" and if they received any awards as scholarships?"
Also, you must write if you participate in any sports and competence and need to mention if you have been awarded any prize or scholarship; in Spanish.

Welcome Chapter 4 - Bienvenido Capítulo 4:
Thirteen week - Semana trece
Spanish 2
 The theme is: "Keep in shape"
El tema es "Mantente en forma"

                    You will learn about...
1. Talk about how something turned out (in sports)
2. Talk about reacting to events
3. Talk about getting hurt (in sports)
4. Ask for and give advice

You also will use the following:
1. Irregular preterites of ponerse, decir, ser, and estar
2. Preterite of stem-changing -ir verbs
3. Verbs with reflexive pronouns and direct objects
4. Past participles used as adjectives
5. Preterite of verbs like caer

Monday, November 17, 2014

Welcome Chapter 4 - Bienvenido Capítulo 4:
Thirteen week - Semana trece
Spanish 2
 The theme is: "Keep in shape"
El tema es "Mantente en forma"

                    You will learn about...
1. Talk about how something turned out (in sports)
2. Talk about reacting to events
3. Talk about getting hurt (in sports)
4. Ask for and give advice

You also will use the following:
1. Irregular preterites of ponerse, decir, ser, and estar
2. Preterite of stem-changing -ir verbs
3. Verbs with reflexive pronouns and direct objects
4. Past participles used as adjectives
5. Preterite of verbs like caer

Spanish 2 - B-day - Tuesday November 18, 2014

A. Bell Work
is copy the vocabulary 1 for chapter 4, page 157. Or from this blog go to the Vocabulary Spanish 2 tap and copy the Spanish translations words in the form provided by your teacher with the English words.

B. Journal Activity
Chapter 4 ¡Expresate!
Copy from the white board the table with questions and the respond of "To ask how something turn out" and the "Respond"; or copy from the text book the table in page 127.

c. Reading Strategies and Skills
- Using your iPad, find a sports news, or any article from your favorite sports idol.
- Translate into Spanish.
- In the form provided by your teacher, write and elaborate a question about the article or news you
  find in the corresponding block.
- Write what the text says - It says... in the corresponding block.
- Write your thoughts - I say...  in the corresponding block.
- Write your inference about it - And so...  in the corresponding block.


Spanish 1 - B-day - Tuesday November 18, 2014

Spanish 1
 The theme is: "The school life"
El tema es "La vida escolar"

                    You will learn ...
1. Say what you have and need
2. Talk about classes
3. Talk about plans
4. Invite others to do things and respond

You also will use the following:
1. Indefinite articles,  ¿cuánto?, mucho, and poco
2. Tener and some tener idioms
3. Venir and a la/las with time
4. Ir a with infinitives
5. Regular and irregular -er and -ir verbs
6. Tag questions

 Spanish 1 - B-day - Tuesday November 18, 2014
A. Bell Work
is copy the vocabulary 1 for chapter 4, page 149. Or from this blog go to the Vocabulary Spanish 1 tap and copy the Spanish translations words in the form provided by your teacher with the English words.
B. Journal Activity
Chapter 4 ¡Expresate!
Copy from the white board the table with questions and the respond of "To ask what others have or need" and the "Respond"; or copy from the text book the table in page 121.
c. Reading Strategies and Skills
- Using your iPad find a high school in any country from Latin America; observe how is a typical day in your high school selected by searching in their web site and write a paragraph about it.
- Translate into Spanish.
- In the form provided by your teacher, write and elaborate a question about the school you select and copy in Spanish in the corresponding block.
- Write what the text says - It says... in the corresponding block. Per example if they have any activities and sports in schedule.
- Write your thoughts - I say...  in the corresponding block.
- Write your inference about it - And so...  in the corresponding block.

Spanish 2 - A-day - Monday November 17, 2014

A. Bell Work
is copy the vocabulary 1 for chapter 4, page 157. Or from this blog go to the Vocabulary Spanish 2 tap and copy the Spanish translations words in the form provided by your teacher with the English words.

B. Journal Activity
Chapter 4 ¡Expresate!
Copy from the white board the table with questions and the respond of "To ask how something turn out" and the "Respond"; or copy from the text book the table in page 127.

c. Reading Strategies and Skills
- Using your iPad, find a sports news, or any article from your favorite sports idol.
- Translate into Spanish.
- In the form provided by your teacher, write and elaborate a question about the article or news you
  find in the corresponding block.
- Write what the text says - It says... in the corresponding block.
- Write your thoughts - I say...  in the corresponding block.
- Write your inference about it - And so...  in the corresponding block.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Irregular Preterites:
andar, tener, venir, dar, ver

The following verbs have irregular stems and endings in the preterite:

Irregular preterites: andar, tener, venir, dar, ver
andar tener venir dar ver
Yo anduve tuve vine di vi
tú anduviste tuviste viniste diste viste
Ud., él, ella anduvo tuvo vino dio vio 
nosotros (as) anduvimos tuvimos vinimos dimos vimos
vosotros (as) anduvisteis tuvisteis vinisteis disteis visteis
Uds., ellos, ellas anduvieron tuvieron vinieron dieron vieron
Ayer dimos un concierto. Vino mucha gente. Tuvimos mucho éxito.

Monday, November 10, 2014


Spanish 1 Agenda:
Students are working in the following:
Los estudiantes estan trabajando en lo siguiente:

1. Bell Work
2. To ask what a friend wants to do:

To ask what a friend:                                         To answer:

Spanish:                                                            Spanish:
¿Qué quieres hacer hoy?                                   Ni idea
English:                                                                English:
What do you want to do today?                      I have no idea
                                                                                  Other answers:
                                                                               Está bien
                                                                                       All right
                                                                               No, gracias. No quiero ir al cine hoy.
                                                                               No, thanks. I don't want to go to the
                                                                               movies today.
3. Activity: Write in Spanish an Advertising to sale any product.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Hoy es lunes 03 de noviembre del 2014.

Spanish 2
Week 11 - Lesson: Chapter 3 Pueblos y ciudades

- Bellwork, go the vocabulary copy and finish the 38 vocabulary words from this chapter.

- Activity:
Practice the activity under "actividades" section.

- Book page 88 and 89

- Review and checking for understanding