Monday, November 10, 2014


Spanish 1 Agenda:
Students are working in the following:
Los estudiantes estan trabajando en lo siguiente:

1. Bell Work
2. To ask what a friend wants to do:

To ask what a friend:                                         To answer:

Spanish:                                                            Spanish:
¿Qué quieres hacer hoy?                                   Ni idea
English:                                                                English:
What do you want to do today?                      I have no idea
                                                                                  Other answers:
                                                                               Está bien
                                                                                       All right
                                                                               No, gracias. No quiero ir al cine hoy.
                                                                               No, thanks. I don't want to go to the
                                                                               movies today.
3. Activity: Write in Spanish an Advertising to sale any product.

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